NewsArizona college student accused in random classmate stabbing has attempted murder charge...

Arizona college student accused in random classmate stabbing has attempted murder charge dropped

Arizona State University student Kaci Sloan, who is accused of stabbing a fellow student twice in a Glendale classroom last month in an apparently random attack, entered a not-guilty plea in Maricopa County on Wednesday after two of her four charges were dismissed last week.

Maricopa County authorities initially charged Sloan, 19, with four counts, including first-degree attempted murder, in connection with the attack against student Mara Daffron. After a preliminary hearing on Sept. 30, Sloan now faces charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and disorderly conduct, according to court records.

Judge Ashley Rahaman also gave Sloan a cash bail of $250,000 and listed the conditions of her release should she be able to post bail in full.

Sloan allegedly walked up to her classmate, Daffron, on Sept. 19 and stabbed her “multiple times,” according to an affidavit obtained by Fox News Digital citing multiple witness accounts.

Matthew McCormick, a student who witnessed the attack unfolding in the classroom, took swift action to stop the alleged stabbing, potentially saving Daffron’s life, according to FOX 10 Phoenix.

“In that moment, I didn’t really have a thought going through my head, I just knew that I felt compelled to do something,” McCormick told the outlet. 

Kaci Sloan entered a not guilty plea after two of her four charges were dismissed.

Kaci Sloan entered a not guilty plea after two of her four charges were dismissed. Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office

19-year-old Mara Daffron was taken to the hospital and underwent surgery after the attack.

19-year-old Mara Daffron was taken to the hospital and underwent surgery after the attack.
Launi Schriner-Daffron/Facebook

Approximately 13 witnesses present during the attack, including a professor, recounted the incident to police, who wrote in a probable cause affidavit obtained by Fox News Digital that the stabbing occurred “without any provocation or any words spoken.”

Police corroborated McCormick’s account in their report, stating that one of the witnesses “was able to disarm the defendant by pulling the knife away from the defendant’s right hand and threw it away from them.” Another witness then “kicked the knife to the back of the classroom.”

“Another witness described the defendant was sitting in the classroom at a desk and suddenly got up and ran at the victim as the victim entered the classroom and stabbed her multiple times,” the affidavit states.

Daffron had non<a href=-life-threatening injuries but still has a long journey ahead.”/>

Daffron had non-life-threatening injuries but still has a long journey ahead. Mara Daffron/Facebook

Daffron's GoFundMe page has raised $27,876.

Daffron’s GoFundMe page has raised $27,876. Launi Schriner-Daffron/Facebook

Detectives found a handwritten note inside Sloan’s backpack that apparently referenced an act she was “about to commit,” but it did “not specifically state what she was referring to.”

Sloan also allegedly expressed the desire to “hurt somebody” in class that day in an interview with detectives after the incident and targeted Daffron because she was “an easier target” than the other person she apparently considered attacking, who she referred to as “a veteran.”

Authorities quickly arrived at the scene and took Daffron to a nearby hospital,

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