NewsCTEK Shares Tips To Avoid A Dead Battery In Summer Heat

CTEK Shares Tips To Avoid A Dead Battery In Summer Heat

The United States has seen record heat and it doesn’t look like it will end anytime soon. As the heat intensifies, it’s not just our bodies that need extra care and attention; CTEK says our vehicle batteries also require special consideration to ensure optimal performance and reliability. With scorching temperatures and extended road trips on the horizon, it’s important to understand the unique charging needs of your vehicle battery in the extreme heat.

Temperature always plays a significant role in the life expectancy and performance of 12V batteries. Exposing a 12V battery to high temperatures, such as those experienced this summer, can lead to accelerated aging. Heat increases the rate of chemical reactions inside the battery, causing the electrolyte to evaporate more quickly and accelerating internal corrosion.

“It’s a common misconception that 12V batteries last longer in warm weather than they do in the cold, believe it or not it’s actually the opposite,” says Bobbie DuMelle, President, CTEK North America. “Batteries rely on chemical reactions to produce and store electrical energy. The rate of discharge is higher with heat, that means we need to charge more often.”

Temperature compensation will reduce charge going into the battery to protect against over-heating the battery that can cause something called desiccation: If a battery becomes overcharged, due to too high voltage being used during the charging cycle, the battery loses water due to evaporation. As a result of this, the batteries charging plates become exposed and begin to dry out, causing permanent and irreparable damage.

In the summer, a vehicle will probably be able to start even if the battery is discharged. Drivers will falsely believe the battery is doing okay when in reality, it’s dying. When a vehicle battery falls below 12.4V the sulphation process begins, and drivers won’t notice it until it’s too late.

CTEK has some top tips to help maintain your 12V vehicle’s performance, reliability, and safety during the hot weather conditions.

  1. Check the battery. Hot weather puts a strain on your battery, so it’s essential to check its condition. Prolonged exposure to high temperatures can significantly shorten the overall lifespan of a 12V battery. It can lead to internal damage, increased self-discharge, and a decline in the battery’s ability to hold a charge over time. Regularly checking the battery’s condition and addressing any issues instantly can help ensure reliable starting power and prevent unexpected breakdowns.
  2. Understand how heat affects your battery: As temperatures outside heat up, so does the temperature under the hood of your car, truck, or SUV. This creates an atmosphere that can be harmful to your battery. This built-up heat can increase the chances of battery failure, as corrosion can speed up and intensify. In addition, water inside the battery in the form of electrolytes can evaporate. Battery related service calls tend to increase over the summer months for these very reasons.
  3. Be sensitive to changes. Be aware of any changes in the way your car starts,

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