A heartwarming story unfolded in Kirtland Hills, Ohio, when a family discovered a lost cat and helped reunite it with its family. Emily Morris and her aunt, Bisy Dickson, noticed a black cat roaming around with their own pet outside their home. At first, they thought it was a stray, but they soon realized that the cat had a family. The women found out that the cat’s name was Blackie, and he was from Texas, hundreds of miles away. The cat had gone missing in October, and his family had been desperately searching for him.
Truly, this story was like something out of a Hallmark movie, as the cat was lost while on a road trip from Texas to Maine. Blackie made a break for it while his owner made a pit stop in Concord Township. Fortunately, the town’s locals and animal rescue groups worked together to help find Blackie. It’s not uncommon for cats to run away when they’re stressed, but they also have a remarkable ability to find their way back home when they’re ready. Now, Blackie’s family is making the journey from Texas to Ohio to bring him home, and they are grateful for the kindness that the community has shown to their pet. It’s no wonder why Dickson said the whole situation “feels like a Hallmark movie.”