NewsGreywater Industrial Zone Exploration guide — Once Human

Greywater Industrial Zone Exploration guide — Once Human

Oh boy, are you ready for a tough exploration? While there are no elite enemies you have to defeat to complete this exploration, you’ll encounter both a Glutton and a Scorcher during your exploration, and you’re going to have to defeat them to find the Mystical Crate and Weapons and Armor Crates at the Greywater Industrial Zone.

Here’s the full guide – but do bring plenty of ammo. I used over 1,000 rounds of AP Steel ammo with my purple SOCM Assault Rifle.

Where are the Weapons and Armor Crates at the Greywater Industrial Zone?

Entering from the road to the east, there are a few buildings to explore. There are no significant threats here, so feel free to grab all of the items and storage containers here. Activate the Rift Anchor now, trust me. I didn’t, and everything respawned, and I had to fight all the enemies again.

The fun begins just after this area, when we reach the bridge.

On the other side of the bridge, you’ll notice the first elite enemy: a Glutton. He’s tough, and soaks up plenty of ammo, so I sure hope you brought enough.

The Glutton at Greywater Industrial Zone viewed through a scope while guarding the Gear chest behind him. Screenshot by Upcomer

Once he’s defeated, head into the building behind him to find a gear crate and a storage crate. We’ll also get our first peek at the Mystical Crate, but we can’t get there yet.

To either side of this area, there are stairs leading up. I took the stairs on the left and I can recommend these, as you’re about to face another tough enemy. Using the stairs on the left allows you to engage him at a distance.

The Scorcher at Greywater Industrial Zone that players must beat to get to the Mystical Crate in Once Human.Screenshot by Upcomer

There he is, a Scorcher. I melted him pretty fast with the assault rifle, but use whatever you’ve got to defeat him. Go past where you defeated him and you’ll see a big blue building on your right. Head straight for that to find a Weapons crate.

Go to the back of the building where you’ll find an elevator which you can use to get up onto the walkway. Run to the end of the walkway, climbs down the ladder and grab your Weapons Crate.

Player approaching a weapons crate at the Greywater Industrial Zone in Once Human.Screenshot by Upcomer
Where is the Mystical Crate at Greywater Industrial Zone?

Now hop out of there and on the left-hand side of the same blue building from above you’ll notice another elevator. It’s a caged elevator and has a control panel outside. Use the control panel to open the elevator.

Arrows highlight the elevator and control panel needed to access the Mystical Crate at the Greywater Industrial Zone in Once Human.Screenshot by Upcomer

Once inside, head down and get read for a fight. There are plenty of enemies in the next room, but none of them are much of a threat. Once you’ve finished them off, you’ll find the Mystical Crate at the other end of the room. There’s also a Weapons Crate that you might as well grab while you’re here.

Arrows showing the location of the Mystical Crate and a Weapons Crate at Greywater Industrial Zone in Once Human.Screenshot by Upcomer

And that’s it,

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