More often than not, wedding registries work as they should for everyone involved. The couple gets exactly what they need for the life they’re building together, and guests don’t have to put too much thought into what they should buy. But what if you want to put more thought into your gift? Alternatively, what if you waited until the last minute to shop and now the only thing left on the list is a six-pack of washcloths?
In either case, the most fun option is an off-registry wedding gift. But there’s an art to buying something the couple didn’t select themselves, and how and what you purchase will depend on your relationship with the soon-to-be newlyweds. Perhaps you know them both well enough to feel certain they’ll appreciate a piece of custom art to hang in their dining room. If the bride is your bestie, you could just ask if she minds an off-registry gift, and you might even feel comfortable getting her take on the $500 air fryer oven that will make weeknight dinner a breeze, or the even pricier mop vac that you hope will save them a few spats over at least one household chore. Just don’t forget to include a gift receipt with those big-ticket small appliances.
That cousin you haven’t seen in a decade might be a little harder to buy for, but a quick peek at the couple’s registry might give you some insight into a good supplemental offering. If their list is packed with wine glasses, aerators, and other wine accessories, consider a wine or cheese subscription. Anyone who registers for the best cooking gear will surely appreciate our editors’ favorite finishing oils or a subscription to receive a fancy new pasta every month. And if their list tells you literally nothing about their tastes, you can always get them something cool to help them memorialize their big day.
Here are 17 great off-registry wedding gifts to give in 2024, whether you’re supplementing something from the registry or going completely rogue.
A set of flavored finishing oils
If the couple is known for getting creative in the kitchen, the four flavored finishing oils in this set from Brightland will make almost anything feel like it came out of a high-end restaurant kitchen (I like to drizzle the lemon oil over vanilla-bean ice cream). If you’re looking to spend a little less, there’s a mini version too.
The Artist Capsule Olive Oil Bundle
A hand-painted portrait of their home
If the newlyweds also happen to be new homeowners, they’ll likely get a little weepy when they open a hand-painted painting of their home. Just make sure you get a good picture to send to the artist (which also gives you a good excuse to stalk their spot on Zillow).
Their song as wall art
If the couple has a special song they consider “theirs”—or you know the one that will play as they do their first dance as newlyweds—a framed poster featuring the lyrics makes an especially thoughtful gift they can hang in their dining room.