Build-A-Bear has a rich history of creating Pokémon plush toys, starting from the introduction of an unstuffed Pikachu in 2015 to the recent release of the Eeveelutions in 2021. However, the newest addition to their collection may catch you by surprise.
The newest addition to the Build-A-Bear lineup is Bidoof, a normal type Pokémon from generation four that evolves into the Beaver Pokémon Bibarel. Although Bidoof initially went unnoticed, it managed to capture the hearts of players and became an unexpected fan favorite.
Bidoof even had its own official short film called “Bidoof’s Big Stand” in 2022, further solidifying its status as a beloved Pokémon. This short film garnered nearly four million views on the Official Pokémon YouTube channel.
If you’re excited to add Bidoof to your collection, you might want to head to the Build-A-Bear store. However, this plush is exclusively available online, offering the convenience of purchasing it from the comfort of your home.
The Build-A-Bear Bidoof bundle is priced at $63 USD and includes more than just the plush toy itself. It also features a 5-in-1 sound chip that plays various sounds associated with the Mouse Pokémon, including a giggling sound that can be either endearing or eerie, depending on the time of day.
Additionally, the bundle comes with an assortment of outfits to dress up Bidoof and keep it warm. One standout piece is a Lumberjack shirt, a fitting choice for a Mouse-into-Beaver Pokémon. While there is also a Bandana included, the Lumberjack shirt steals the spotlight in this ensemble.
Overall, the addition of Bidoof to the Build-A-Bear lineup offers Pokémon fans a new and adorable collectible item to enjoy. Whether you’re a longtime fan of the franchise or a newcomer, Bidoof’s charm is sure to win you over.